D1.1 Data set on energy efficiency potentials, describing the aggregated cost curves for building envelope refurbishment measures (M9) Public Dataset
D1.2 Report on aggregated cost curves for building related efficiency measures
D1.3 Report on economic and social impact assessment of Energy Efficiency measures in the building sector
D1.4 Report on Energy Efficiency Policy Programme evaluation and recommendations, on the Building sector
D2.1 Report on the Energy efficiency potentials in the transport sector by analysing the three main strategies for lowering energy use within the transportation sector (results from task 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3)
D2.2 Data set from the different scenarios developed in TransportPLAN
D2.3 Report on energy efficiency potentials in the transport sector and conclusions from the developed scenarios
D2.4 Report on economic and social impact assessment of Energy Efficiency measures in the transport sector
D3.1 Analysis and results of the reference scenarios assessment
D3.2 Beta version of the model IndustryPLAN + report
D3.3 Data set with reference scenarios
D3.4 IndustryPLAN tool results
D3.5 Data set with Energy Efficiency potentials on top of reference scenarios
D3.6 Energy Efficiency potentials on top of reference
D3.7 Economic and social impact assessment of Energy Efficiency measures in the Industrial sector
D4.1 Analysis of existing European energy grids
D4.2 Initial estimation of cost and capacity analysis for the representative energy grids as function of the decarbonised energy scenarios
D4.3 Technology data and costs for gas grids in the context of a Smart Energy System
D4.4 Final cost and capacity analysis for the representative energy grids as function of the decarbonisation scenarios version
D4.5 District heating investment costs and allocation of local resources for EU28 in 2030 and 2050
D5.1 Documentation on excess heat potentials of industrial sites including open data file with selected potentials
D5.2 Documentation and dataset from the analysis and mapping of cities with similar topography and demography and the relation to energy efficient transport and mobility
D5.3 Online web map application and 1st set of map layers (current year scenario)
D5.4 Spatial models: Spatially adjusted energy efficiency potentials by sectors for current year scenario
D5.5 2nd set of map layers (future years scenarios for 2030 and 2050)
D5.6 Spatial models: Spatially adjusted energy efficiency potentials by sectors for future year scenarios
D5.7 Spatial models and spatial analytics results
D6.1 Technology data and costs
D6.2 Modelling platform development and new scenarios based on EEFP
D6.3 Energy Efficiency Roadmap Europe: A cost-effective and energy efficient strategy for decarbonizing Europe
D6.35 Additional Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Measures: A Systemic Overview of their Implications across Societal, Ecological and Economic Dimensions
D6.4 Handbook for science-based interaction with objectives aiming for achieving the Energy Efficiency First Principle
D8.3 Synergies between the Energy Efficiency First Principle and 2050 Renewable Energy Systems in Europe