Audio und werbung/   sEEnergies and EERAdata projects have organised two special issues with a focus on the Energy Efficiency First Principle: Elsevier, Smart Energy journal – Special issue on the Energy efficiency first principle. The “Energy Efficiency First principle” is a fundamental principle applied to policymaking, planning and...

Future district heating will have to bear energy efficiency in mind. As energy efficiency in buildings progresses, areas with lower heat demands must be supplied with increased shares of renewable energy and excess heat. Therefore, the purpose of the present work is to map future...

The Pan-European Thermal Atlas (Peta) was developed within the Heat Roadmap Europe project series to map the heat sector and the potential for district heating in European countries. The mapping team improved Peta and extended it to incorporate the 27 EU member states plus the...

Industrial activity globally accounts for upwards of one-third of the global energy demand, making the industrial energy demand a critical part of the energy system. Despite this, energy system models have so far largely de-emphasised the importance of the industrial sector, leaving the industrial energy...