27 Jan EERAdata Decision Support Tool Workshop and Training Event
The EERAdata project comes to its end and we want to thank you for your interest, participation and feedback throughout the last 31 months. To conclude the project, the EERAdata Team wants to invite you to an in-depth Training session on the EERAdata Decision Support Tool, our socio-economic and LifeCycle Assessment software for energy efficiency interventions on the public building stock.
WHEN: 15 February 2022
WHERE: Online
Training will give you a detailed tour through all functions of the tool, explain the different workflows and data management principles and also how you can use it and experience it yourself. We want to improve the feature set together with you and most importantly, think about the next steps, the future of our findings in an interactive workshop format directly after the training.
11:00- 11:10: Welcome and introduction of the project
11:10-11:45: EERAdata DST Training and Data management course
11:45-12:00: EERAdata DST results and potential uses
12:00-13:00: Q&A, Workshop in breakout rooms
About the EERAdata project
EERAdata (Data-driven decision-support to increase energy efficiency through a renovation in European building stock) will contribute to the understanding and operationalisation of the Energy Efficiency First Principle by defining variables, indicators, and methodologies to assess the socio-economic and environmental impact of EE investment in building stock.
The EERAdata partners have built a user-friendly tool that will allow local administrations to carry out this assessment with ease, using their own data as well as relevant open data sources. Anonymised data of assessments performed with the other implementing partners will also be incorporated.