12 Nov Fact-based four energy efficiency transport technology scenarios for the future
As part of sEEnergies project, transport data has been collected for 28 European countries. This includes transport activity demand data, transport specific energy consumptions, load factors and capacity for different modes of transport.
The data is categorized based on distance bands for each mode, both for passenger and freight. This is done for all EU-28 countries in a bottom-up manner.
The data is then combined together via weighted average to calculate the overall EU-28 transport activity and transport energy demand for the reference year (2017). A baseline is created following the same transport growth rates as used in the European PRIMES model. On top of the baseline calculations are performed to estimate the demand reductions and modal shifts based on energy efficient urban spatial and infrastructure development for the future.
These energy efficiency practices are then combined with four energy efficiency transport technology scenarios for the future.
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